Welcome to the Castiglione English Language Library ‘sharing books’

The English Language Library, founded in 2004, is part of the Castiglione del Lago Municipal Library, and is housed in the beautiful, frescoed rooms of the Palazzo della Corgna, Piazza Gramsci (next to the council offices).

All the books in the English Language Library have been donated by local residents.

Everyone can take books out and bring them back without having to go through a librarian. Instructions as to how to use the library on the shelves. To allow the system to work properly, users are asked to fill the forms in carefully, return the books within four weeks and put them back in their original places.

Fabio Capecchi is always available in the main library to give you any information or help you may need.

*On Tuesdays Priscilla Worsley, Patricia Edgar and Heather Buckner are in the library from 10.00 to 13.00, to update the incoming/outgoing book files, etc., so new members can register then. If you come at any time other the above, you may of course take books out.

  • Videos and DVDs are available in English: they must be checked out with the librarian, Fabio, in the main library.
  • We publish a monthly online newsletter full of useful information, book reviews, art exhibitions and concert dates, as well as local and national events, articles by local residents and lots of interesting Italy-oriented news. There is an abridged version of the Newsletter on the notice board in the corner of the English library.

Click on CATALOGUE to see what books are available in the English section.  To search for a specific book,  click on a category tab (e.g. “Fiction”, “Classics”) at the bottom of the screen, then on Find in the Edit menu and write the title of the book or author in the Search field, then hit enter.

If you cannot find the book you want in our library, ask us to look for it in all the other public libraries in Italy. If they find it they will have it sent to the Castiglione library for you to borrow. The postage and packing is at your expense.

Any suggestions or help is highly appreciated.

La Biblioteca Comunale di Castiglione del Lago ospita un’ampia sezione di volumi in lingua inglese.

I libri della sezione inglese della Biblioteca sono a disposizione di tutte le persone che desiderano leggere libri in lingua inglese.

La Castiglione English Language Library è stata avviata nel 2004. Attualmente si trova nell’area conferenze della Biblioteca Comunale di Castiglione del Lago.
Priscilla Worsley, Patricia Edgar e Heather Buckner si occupano della gestione.

La raccolta è costituita interamente da libri in inglese donati dalle famiglie residenti nell’area del Trasimeno. Normalmente il martedì sarà presente almeno una persona di madrelingua inglese dalle 10 alle 13.

In altri orari si possono prendere in prestito i libri seguendo le istruzioni esposte.
Nella bacheca si trova un esempio della Newsletter mensile in lingua inglese (disponible online a chi prende in prestito i libri) che riporta anche informazioni sugli eventi culturali di interesse locale.

Buona lettura!